Founded in 1460, the University of Basel is the oldest university in Switzerland and has a history of success going back over 550 years. Today, it has around 12,700 students from over a hundred nations (24% are international students), including 2,800 PhD students.
The University of Basel comprises seven faculties covering a wide spectrum of academic disciplines and leads research and education in its affiliated clinics and university hospitals.
It regularly ranks among the 100 top universities in the world in international rankings,. Life Sciences is one of the five strategic focal areas of the university.
Altogether, the University was involved in over 270 EU projects (FP7 and H2020) and has received 52 ERC grants, participated in 47 MSCA project and 17 FET project under H2020.
For research projects, the University of Basel has received around 70 Mio EUR from FP7 and around 78 Mio EUR so far from H2020.

Staff profiles
Dr Tania Rinaldi Barkat
holds a M.Sc. in Chemistry and PhD in Neuroscience from the EPFL. She joined the Department of Biomedicine of University of Basel as a professor in neurophysiology in January 2015 after a postdoc in Takao Hensch’s lab at Harvard University, where she defined a critical period for plasticity in the developing auditory system. She is a specialist of auditory system physiology and plasticity, cochlear implants, and mouse auditory behavior. In 2014, Tania was awarded an ERC Starting grant from the European Reseach Council. In 2013, she received the Lundbeck Foundation Fellowship and in 2007 the EPFL Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation award for outstanding PhD thesis.
Tania Barkat is a member of the Harvard Society of Fellows since 2008.​
Main project tasks
Task 1.1. in vivo testing of electrical stimulation arrays
Task 2.1 Establishment of mouse psychophysics standard
Task 2.2 Testing of mouse psychophysics with cochlear implants
Task 3.2 Testing of mouse psychophysics with double implants (cochlear and cortical)