Date: 05/11/2022
Event location: Hearing Institute, Paris

HearLight General Assembly gathered at the Hearing Institute on Wednesday 11th of May 2022 for enthralling presentations and discussions on the work achieved during the first year of the project and the perspectives for the coming months and years.
This much-awaited meeting is HearLight very first in-person event since the beginning of the project back in April 2021. It took place after a long time of remote teamwork: the consortium carried out project building, project launch and even the entire first year during the period of covid-19 pandemic. Brice Bathellier, HearLight Scientific Coordinator welcomed participants with an introduction to the project objectives and work packages. Serge Picaud, Director of the Vision Institute, opened the session with a keynote speech on visual restauration. As a member of HearLight Scientific Advisory Board, he provided insightful advice to our consortium during the whole day and especially the dedicated concluding discussion.
Five young researchers involved in HearLight, Amélie Albon and Antonin Verdier, PhD students, and James Taylor, Ryan Greer and Sihai Luo, postdoctoral fellows, presented achievements and planned actions of the project. Eric Feltin, CEO of NOVAGAN, gave a clear overview of the hearing loss market and introduced the exploitation plan of HearLight results.
